July 16, 2018
Ball Russian Twists
Potentially the most important muscle group, the core is composed of all the muscle from hips to shoulders. It effects full body movements as well as maintaining posture throughout movements. The core effects the transfer of energy from the lower to upper body. A strong core improves all aspects of golf from maintaining posture to increasing club head speed as well as helps prevent injuries
Starting position:
Start by sitting on the stability ball, holding a weight or medicine ball. Walk your feet out away from the ball and lower your body to so that your torso is on the ball, glutes tight to hold the hips up, with knees at 90-degrees. Spine starts in a neutral position, holding the ball up in front of your chest.
Keeping your glutes tight to hold your body in place, brace your abdominals.
Notes: Unlike most crunches that round the bow back, and the torso gets closer to the knees the focus is to lift UP, to activate upper abdominals, as well as lower.