July 16, 2018
Front Box Squat
The Quadricep muscle group helps develop strength and lower body power through out the swing. And assists in hip stability, and vertical force
Starting position:
The traditional front squat grip, is to have the bar at neck, or clavicle level, resting on the fronts of the deltoid (shoulders), fingers supporting the bar, while the elbows are pressed out and up, away from the body. Have a box, or bench that is about knee height behind you, and a stopping point of the bottom of the squat.
Once the bar is un-racked, keeping your spine neutral, or slightly arched throughout the movement begin the squat by hinging at the hips, to get them behind the torso and knees then lower the hips down to the box. Return to the top of the squat by driving through the heels and squeezing the glutes to help extend the hips back to standing.
Notes: Try to allow the knees to point in the same direction as the toes, without going over the toes.
the box can be used as a safety support, not allowing yourself to go to low while learning the movement but can also increase difficulty by coming to a complete stop at the bottom, weighting, then reactivating muscles to stand back up.