Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat

The Quadricep muscle group helps develop strength and lower body power through out the swing. And assists in hip stability, and vertical force

Starting position:

The best way to start this is in the down position, in a half kneeing, or lunge position, start half kneeing with back knee directly under the hip, knee on ground with the back foot elevated on a bench or elevated surface, and the other in front of the body foot flat, knee bent at 90 degrees. Torso upright or slightly leaned forward with a neutral spine.


Making sure the front leg bares most of the weight, maintain a neutral spine, drive through the heel of the front leg to come to the highest position possible without either foot moving. The front leg should be able to become straight, but do not lock out the knee. Keep move of your weight on the front foot, so not to feel to much strain on the back quad.

Notes: A slight forward angle will activate more quad, where a more upright body will activate more glute as well. Complete all repetitions before switching sides