Torso Elevated Weighted Hip Thrust

The most dominant muscle group in the golf swing, the glutes, are the powerhouse of hip strength and rotational power. The glutes have several functions throughout the swing. Stability of the hips, limiting lateral movement maintaining posture through the swing, and creating both rotational, and vertical power through impact

Starting position:

Hips resting on ground, knees bent, feet flat, torso elevated on Bench. Weight resting in crease created by hips. Spine neutral from hips to head.


Maintaining a stable spine, tighten your glutes just prior to lifting your hips off the ground, and drive through your heels, thrusting your hips in to the weight to lift your hips no higher than shoulder level.

Finish position:

Create a straight line in your body from shoulders to knees, maintaining neutral spine.


Notes: Use assistance if needed to load and unload weight. All movement should come from the hips, not the low back. Weight can vary