TRX Stir The Pots

Potentially the most important muscle group, the core is composed of all the muscle from hips to shoulders. It effects full body movements as well as maintaining posture throughout movements. The core effects the transfer of energy from the lower to upper body. A strong core improves all aspects of golf from maintaining posture to increasing club head speed as well as helps prevent injuries

Starting position:

Start downward facing, with toes in the TRX cradles before lifting your body, align your elbows directly under the shoulders, toes pull up toward the shins locking heels against TRX handles, palms facing up, not touching. Activate the abdominals to bring the hips and torso off the ground, until the back is FLAT, and parallel to the floor, then squeeze the glutes and quads, to being the knees off the ground.


Begin the movement by contracting your abs and lifting hips in to the air and pull the knees to one elbow, across to the other, and back down to starting position creating a large circle with the knees, create continuous circles for time or reps, and be sure to go the opposite direction. The hips should not drop below the shoulders.

Notes: To make the movement more difficult, move further away from the TRX attachment point. And increase the size of the circles