July 10, 2020
The Most Important Decision I Have Ever Made
The most important decision I have ever made
It’s 2020 and this subject still seems very taboo. Over the last few years of doing Long Drive and constantly working out, it has really taken a toll on my body, especially now in my mid 30s. I kept at it, doing it for 10 years but I was getting worn out. I would take naps in the middle of the day or couldn’t hit as many balls. I would take a month off but I still wasn’t feeling any better. When I brought Charlie on for season 4 he started recognizing some of the issues I was having. Charlie introduced me to Jeff Wittmer of National Rejuvenation Center (NRC). I talked to Jeff and wrote down all my symptoms, which were alarming. My hormones were changing and not acting like they should.
So Jeff introduced me to Dr. Bart (who heads NRC) and I flew out to Florida. We decided to film it to be put on an episode of Driven. To put it all out on national TV was scary but I figured that sharing my experience would encourage others to get checked out as well. I did my blood work. My lipid panel, which is my cholesterol was at 349. You need it to be 200 or less to be healthy. My triglycerides were extremely high. My HDL ratio was way too high, it was at 12.0 which is near heart attack range. This was shocking and creating a lot of issues and symptoms in my body. I decided to become a patient of NRC.
It took about two weeks to get all the supplements the doctor prescribed for me. I took another blood test six weeks later. My cholesterol went from 349 to 147. My HDL ratio went from 12.0 to an astonishing 3.4 and because it’s now so low it dropped my insurance premiums. I’m basically heart attack proof. All my numbers dropped considerably, my body has completely changed. Now the money test, what really matters for men. My total testosterone was literally zero, it was turned off. My body stopped producing testosterone hence the inability to lose weight, lethargy, and no sex drive. Horrible. The average male should be between 250-1100 and I was less than 1. My free testosterone should have been 35-155 and I was .3, trace amounts of nothing. I was literally turned OFF. Nothing was working and this was why I felt horrible. Fast forward two weeks later and I got my supplements in and started taking them. In six weeks my total testosterone went from 0 to 1,082. My free testosterone went from .3 to 367.3. It’s difficult to explain how I feel, but this changed my life. I went from feeling like a run down, busted up 35-year-old to how I felt when I was 18 years old. The muscle comes easier, the fat burns off faster, my energy quadrupled, I heal faster and I sleep better. And of course my wife loves the increased sex drive as will your wives and partners!
I highly recommend you go get your blood work done. You can go anywhere. See where your numbers are at. I will also put NRC’s info in a link below. It’s 2020 and it’s time to start taking care of your health. I’m not advocating for something you don’t need but if you are experiencing any of these symptoms I’ve been talking about, just take a look. I think every man above 35 should be on TRT which is testosterone replacement therapy. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever done. I really hope you take a look into it and take care of your physical and mental health, for you and others around you.