Push / Pull / Legs

The Push/Pull/Legs Regimen is a “new era” split in order to force some extra growth.  Training each body part twice a week will help you and your body get out of the old routine you have been in and jump start your muscles into growing at a faster pace than training one body part per week would.


  • Training Goal: Muscle Gain
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Days per week: 5-6
  • Training Time: 45 minutes

Monday (Chest-Triceps-shoulders)

Chest Sets Reps
DB Incline Press 4 10
Peck Deck Flys 4 10

*Warm up your chest by doing one set of 20 reps with much lighter weight

Triceps Sets Reps
Pushdowns 4 10
Rev. Grip Pushdowns 4 10

Shoulders Sets Reps
Power Laterals 4 10
Front Plate Raise 4 10


Tuesday (Back and Biceps)

Chest Sets Reps
Lat Pulldown 4 10
DB Bentover row 4 10

*Warm up your back by doing one set of 20 reps with much lighter weight

Biceps Sets Reps
DB Curls 4 10
Hammer Curls 4 10


Wednesday (Legs)

Legs Sets Reps
Leg Press 4 10
Lunge 4 10
RDL 4 10
Seated Calf Raises 4 10

*Warm up walking 5-10 minutes on thee treadmill

Thursday (Chest-Triceps-shoulders)

Chest Sets Reps
Bench Press 4 10
Dips 4 10

*Warm up your chest by doing one set of 20 reps with much lighter weight

Triceps Sets Reps
Pushdowns V Bar 4 10
Seated Dips 4 10

Shoulders Sets Reps
Shoulder Press 4 10
Front Raises 4 10


Friday (Back and Biceps)

Back Sets Reps
Seated Row 4 10
Straight arm pulldown 4 10

*Warm up your back by doing one set of 20 reps with much lighter weight

Biceps Sets Reps
Barbell Curl 4 10
Incline Curl 4 10


Saturday (Legs)

Legs Sets Reps
Squat 4 10
Leg Extension 4 10
Kettlebell Swing 4 10
Standing Calf Raises 4 10

*Warm up walking 5-10 minutes on thee treadmill