July 16, 2018
P-6 Club shaft parallel to the ground in downswing
P-6 Club shaft parallel to the ground in downswing
This position Is where the dynamic unloading of the club takes over. The weight transfers more to the front leg. Which allows the front side to better stabilize against forward pressure. The hips have rotated more open to the target. The chest and torso are more open to the target line than they were at address. The trail arm drops in close to the body. The shaft is parallel to the ground, and the butt end of the club is in line with the trail hip. In P-6 the butt end of the handle is at its lowest point. It’s important to understand how to clearly practice this concept. The club shaft is moving very fast through this window. People practice slow motion drills that distort the speeds of the swing in this position. Therefore, people practice drills that prove to be detrimental to their progress and improvement. From P-6 we need to hit the ramp on our front side and counter or crack back against the movement of the club (deceleration).
This is important because the shaft moves down, outward and away (tumble) to the golf ball as the handle moves up in towards the player. This action allows the club to be delivered to the ball while the handle clears up and in.