Uneven Lies – Ball Below Your Feet

Sure, uneven lies make golf challenging. But it’s a part of the game. Here’s what to do when the ball is below your feet:

  1. First, understand that the ball will always follow the “gravity fall line” of the slope. That means when the ball is below your feet, it will curve to the right. Just like a fade.
  2. Aim your shot to the left. The severity of the slope will inform you how much to the left to aim. Look, the only way master these shots it to practice them over and over. Since driving ranges don’t give you that opportunity, be glad when you have a side hill lie, and hit a few balls.

TIP: When the ball is below your feet, you’ll be standing farther from the ball than usual. Sop grip the club at the very end, and bend your knees a little more than usual.